Saturday, February 7, 2009

Something to consider when revising your school AUP

School AUP 2.0


  1. When writing our district technology plan I thought the first thing we should of did was write our district AUP. I think an AUP is a district mission when it comes to technology. To my disappointment we had meeting after meeting with no AUP. An AUP could of gave us parameters for where we wanted our students and teachers to go.

    One thing we are struggling with is how do you address the use of cloud computing in your AUP.

  2. AUP first makes perfect sense. It can serve as your compass to guide you in the right direction. As far as the web 2.0/read-write web/cloud computing scenario goes, it's still a can of worms as far as I can see. There has to be at least 3 levels of AUP based on the ages of the kids. Then you need total parent buy in and you have to constantly monitor the activity. Some feel it's just not worth the work involved. I'm really not sure what the immediate future is there.

    I do know however that my kids will be using this technology whether I like it or not. New Jersey just released their 2009 Core Curriculum Standards for Technology. One outcome that jumps out at me is: BY THE END OF GRADE 2:8.1.2.A.5: Demonstrate the ability to navigate in developmentally appropriate virtual environments. Virtual Worlds=games, simulations, websites, blogs. Yeah my second grader is going to be a blogger. I'm sure he'll get more hits that this crappy blog...
