Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Jing Tutorial for Interactive PowerPoint

Now that I am an author on this blog, I can finally post. I created a tutorial for an interactive PowerPoint for a Math Jeopardy Review Game. I created a template for Jeopardy a few years ago and I've been using the same one - just changing the content of the game. This latest one was a review collaboration with the science teacher on my team when we had an extra hour with the students before a field trip. It's a math and science Jeopardy- and the tutorial shows how to create hyperlinks to navigate through the game. Here is the link. You might need to adjust the window a little to view the whole screen.


Friday, April 17, 2009

Presentation -How to insert 'Jing' on Slide Rocket

Here I am showing how to upload video/jing on slide rocket. I found it is a lot easier to do on slide rocket than on microsoft ppt. In doing so I included a recorded tutorial that could potentially help my students using this dynamic geometry software called "Geometer Sketchpad" which I use on a regular basis. It is really cool that I can create my own tutorials... we can definitely use this in our classrooms. Hope you like it.


Thursday, April 16, 2009

Thoughts on DimDim Session (and a rant)

I think we saw the potential of this technology, I don't think my middle schoolers would stick around through all of the trouble shooting. One thing our conversation and interaction have me thinking about is the influence technology will have on our traditional school day and our traditional school roles. Veronica spoke about giving extra help after school online for a student. What if a school set up an iChat account or AIM account for extra help. Teachers could be offered 1st period off if they man the online help desk for an hour after school.

What would teachers think of this?

What would students think of this?

What would the union think of this?

Technology opens so many doors I just hope we let ourselves step out of the old boxes.

This week Education Secretary Arne Duncan told a room of 400 students that we need a 6 day a week 11 month school year. So now instead of a 180 day broken school system you have a 250 day broken school system. Duncan didn't get booed by the students when he said this he got blank stares, the students realized that the head of US Education didn't GET IT. I was disappointed when Obama picked Duncan. Ed Tech funding was cut and its seems like merit pay, vouchers, and longer school years are being explored by the administration.

I don't think these platforms get to the root of the problem. It is not like I am running out of time in my classroom and my kids are short on material. I do not have the tools to teach effectively for the 21st century and my hands are tied by standards that may or may not apply to the 21st Century. We need to assess what we are teaching and how we are teaching, not that we have to teach harder. To me this is putting blame on the teachers and the students. "You guys are not teaching or learning well enough so do it longer." Duncan is not looking at the fact that we are being told to teach material (in an out dated manner) that doesn't fit into our present world so the students tune us out because they realize it is not relevant.

Rethink teacher and student roles, don't keep them in the same role for more days a week. Students should become more of a teacher and teachers should become more of a mentor (assessor). Learning should become more efficient in the digital age. More time should be spent on electives, internships and community service not math and english. Six day weeks and 11 month years is a punishment for teachers and students. Secretary Duncan could of said we are going to change what learning and teaching is instead he is choosing to pick up where NCLB left off.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Jing Tutorial

Here is the link to my Jing Tutorial on Screencast.com.
I made a video for a Multimedia Jeopardy PowerPoint.


I was only able to give a brief overview of how to make a Jeopardy PowerPoint in the 5 minute limit.
I think Jing is a great free tool. I use the SmartBoard Recorder to make my screencasts, I like having the option to record the desktop, selected area or a window.