Friday, May 1, 2009


I wanted to share another experience I witnessed in my study hall. The students were talking about the Iran and Iraq conflict. There was a little debate as to whether they actually shared a border, or if there was a river in between them..etc.. One student took out his Iphone and google mapped Iran and Iraq and said "I'll end this right now" and basically showed them with evidence by zooming in that they were bound by land and not by a geographical barrier. I thought this was really impressive. In can definitely see students get confused as to why certain countries have conflict with others if they do not know the geographic location of them and to be able to see it in real time (or close to it) makes it that much more real for students and much more meaningful.


  1. I have heard that referred to as "google jockeying". This is when you Google something in realtime to check the accuracy. It is often done during presentations and someday students will be "google jockeying" what we say when we teach. Just a preview.

  2. The way I see it, this sort of diminishes the student's need to memorize facts and formulas. Is memorization an unnecessary skill of the 21st Century student? With Google and Wikipedia in their pockets doesn't memorizing significant battles in the Revolutionary War render our kids Dangerously Irrelevant like Cliff Clavin? The question is - Is this disruptive or a "disruptive innovation"?
